Supplying docked ship with watertight hatch seal and EPDM rubber section
30th April, 2021
During the second lockdown, we received an email from a ship that was docked in our local Blyth port. They asked if we could supply a new watertight hatch seal so the vessel could continue on its journey safely.
A few email and telephone conversations later, we had a drawing and some sizes to work with. We realised that the client needed two seals. First of all, they needed one of the flagship products – the Aquaseal Hatch Seal which consists of a solid rubber outer on three sides and a cellular sponge core.
Secondly, they required a solid EDPM rubber section, EPDM is great for marine applications as it resists degradation from ozone, oxidants, and extreme weather conditions.
We submitted a quote back to the team offshore with an estimated lead time of 7-10 days. However, they came back to us and asked if we could improve the lead time to help them out as every day that they’re docked in the port is very costly. Jason proceeded to ask the Aquaseal production team if anyone wanted to work any overtime to help our client out and two days later we had two seals ready to be delivered!
At 7 pm on the day the two seals were completed, MD Jason loaded the van and headed up to the port. The seals were delivered directly to the gangway while following COVID regulations.
If you’re interested in our marine rubber products, don’t hesitate to get in touch.