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Certificate Number 12859
Aquaseal Rubber is ISO 9001 : 2015

Aquaseal improves green credentials

It has been an exciting time here at Aquaseal Rubber as we have been focusing on upgrading our workshop to make it more environmentally friendly. It’s important to us to be able to make improvements to our factory that not only help us become better to the environment but also still maintain the quality of our product.

We recently had LED lighting fitted in our warehouse as part of a round of work with Barrier LED ( LED lights are a better option for the environment than incandescent or fluorescent lights because of their increased efficiency. They are up to 80% more efficient than traditional lighting because less energy is converted to heat, which is otherwise wasted. So the money that is spent on the electricity for the lights actually goes to the light.

This means they last longer as well. Since they last longer, we are able to spend less overhead on replacing the bulbs. This means helping to keep costs down in the long term.

As LED lights are of higher quality, the light that they give off distributes better, which means fewer lights can be used to provide the same level of brightness. Our employees will be able to continue to produce the same quality products without any of their workspace being compromised.

In addition to our LED lights, we have been looking at other ways we can reduce our environmental impact in the warehouse. As we handle a large amount of plastic packaging, we have installed a plastic baler so that we can more efficiently recycle our plastic waste.

We have purchased gently used cardboard boxes to send out our goods to our customers. This means that new materials aren’t being produced for the sole use of packaging, something that is generally considered a single-use product.

Reducing post-consumer waste is another area we are trying to make changes in. So we have recently signed a new recycling contract with our waste management company. This means the majority of our waste is now recycled, with only 30% of it going to the landfill.

While this is no means comprehensive we feel this is a good start for us as a company to try and minimize our impact on the environment. We will continue to investigate and implement ways to improve our practices so that we can be a better steward of the environment for ourselves and our customers.

If you are looking for a rubber company that puts their customers and products first, get in touch (

Advantages of using Aquaseal

  • Bespoke rubber products
  • Manufactured in-house
  • Small run quantities
  • Made in the UK
  • ISO 9001 accredited

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