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Certificate Number 12859
Aquaseal Rubber is ISO 9001 : 2015

Rubber Sheeting

Aquaseal rubber sheeting


Our products come in custom designed grades for every application. This includes extensive wear and abrasion, high and low temperatures, and chemical resistance.

Rubber sheeting is used for:

  • washers
  • strip
  • chute linings
  • conveyor skirts
  • sand blasting
  • snow plough blades
  • wear strips
  • electrical matting
  • ribbed matting
  • anti-slip walkways

British Standards offered are:

  • BS2751 for natural rubber, EPDM, neoprene, nitrile, silicone, Viton®, butyl, and Hypalon
  • BS2752
  • BS1154
  • BS921

In addition to our British Standards products, we offer competitive prices on a wide range of sheeting products. These are available in a variety of grades and thickness.

Find out more about our materials on our page: “Rubber We Use

Aquaseal Rubber – Materials Chart Rubber Sheeting

Sheeting Selection Criteria

ApplicationNatural /SBRNeopreneNitrileEPDMButylSiliconeViton
Lubricating OilsPoorFairGoodPoorPoorGoodExcellent
Hydraulic Fluid (Phospates)PoorPoorPoorGoodGoodGoodPoor
Hydraulic Fluid (Silicates)PoorGoodGoodFairFairPoorGood
Abrasion ResistanceExcellentGoodGoodGoodGoodFairGood
Tear StrengthGoodGoodGoodFairGoodPoorFair
Impact ResistanceExcellentGoodFairGoodGoodFairFair
Impermeable to GasesFairGoodGoodGoodExcellentPoorExcellent
Compression SetGoodGoodGoodFairFairGoodGood
Water (Non Potable)GoodGoodGoodGoodGoodGoodGood

Which Rubber Sheeting do you need?

Nitrile (Buna N rubber)

Nitrile rubber sheeting is used for a range of uses due to its resistance to most petroleum-based liquids, oils, and greases. We regularly cut Nitrile sheeting into gaskets and sleeves for the food manufacturing industry.

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Natural Rubber

Because natural rubber sheeting has excellent resistance to abrasion and tear, it is a popular option for lining construction chutes and commercial sheeting.

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Neoprene sheeting is commonly manufactured as linings and sleeves for external applications due to its excellent resistance to weathering, ozone, and ageing.

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Viton Rubber

Viton sheeting is commonly used in the oil and gas industries where it can withstand high temperatures and chemical exposure.

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EPDM rubber sheets are very durable and flexible, making them a great option for non-slip coatings, waterproofing sheets, and playgrounds. It also has excellent resistance to environmental factors.

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Butyl Rubber

Butyl rubber is unique as it is impermeable to air, in fact, it is 70% better at this than most other rubbers. This makes it a great option for tyre tubes and inner linings.

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Silicone Rubber

Silicone rubber sheeting has great thermal properties and is often used to reduce vibration and high-volume noises. It can also be easily manufactured and shaped to suit various applications.

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Advantages of using Aquaseal

  • Bespoke rubber products
  • Manufactured in-house
  • Small run quantities
  • Made in the UK
  • ISO 9001 accredited

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